Advanced multivitamin/mineral with joint support now available!
As we continue to study nutrition for horses, we have discovered mineral deficits, specific mineral excesses, and protein requirements that have inspired us to update our Optimum EQ formulas. These new formulas are unlike anything else currently on the market and are the next generation of whole food multivitamin / mineral supplements for horses.
BioStar’s Optimum JS 2.0 multivitamin formula and Optimum Senior JS 2.0 provide your horse with organic, bioavailable minerals so your horse can make the most of its multivitamin in addition to whole food ingredients to support joint and senior health.
Optimum JS 2.0:
Optimum JS 2.0 like our other 2.0 formulas, combines our custom proteinated mineral complex with important high-protein foods including undenatured whey protein, spirulina, and pumpkin meal. These ingredients provide a complete amino acid profile and includes the BCAAs for muscle building, topline, and muscle maintenance. We also included vitamin D from mushrooms, and beta carotene and its cofactors from organic carrot powder.
Joint support:
Green lipped mussels:
Green lipped mussels provide the GAGs (Glycosaminoglycans), which we know of as hyaluronic acid, chondroitin sulfate and keratin sulfate.
- Hyaluronic acid (HA) is found in synovial fluid and functions as a lubricant. Health of the joint is dependent on synovial fluid content.
- Chondroitin and keratin sulfates are components of the complexes in the articular cartilage matrix.
- Joint inflammation and injury can degrade these GAGs.
Green lipped mussels also provide the essential fatty acids EPA and DHA, which can reduce inflammation by targeting the inflammatory eicosanoids and cytokines.
Dehydrated cabbage and organic kale:
Cabbage is one of the richest sources of the amino acid L-glutamine, and kale is one of the richest plant sources of sulfur.
Horses make their own glucosamine sulfate in their body by combining L-glutamine, sulfur, and sugar molecules. By providing rich plant sources of these compounds, horses are able to make their own glucosamine sulfate.
Additional sulfur:
Optimum JS 2.0 also provides proteinated sulfur in addition to the organic kale. Proteinated sulfur can increase levels of glutathione, a potent antioxidant. Adding sulfur to a multivitamin can support a healthy inflammation response, as documented by many studies including, reducing the production of signaling proteins linked to systemic inflammation (Konaklieva and Plotkin. 2007).
Optimum Senior JS 2.0 – for MATURE horses:
We combined all the great ingredients and benefits of BioStar’s Optimum EQ Senior 2.0 with the joint support found in Optimum JS 2.0. This formula supports whole body wellness in senior horses with a full spectrum mineral proteinate complex, protein for muscle maintenance, stress support, GI tract support, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, and fulvic and humic acids.
Digestive support:
Optimum Senior JS 2.0 provides fenugreek powder, a traditional digestive aid, with active yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) that supports digestion in the hindgut.
Reed Sedge Peat provides humic and fulvic acids which help horses absorb and utilize nutrients more efficiently, particularly minerals. These organic acids also play an important role in supporting the diverse colonies of microorganisms in the gut.
Stress support:
Optimum Senior JS 2.0 provides tulsi leaves (also known as holy basil), one of the adaptogenic plants in Ayurvedic medicine. Adding tulsi to our multivitamin is intended to help stabilize physiological processes and support glandular, endocrine, and circulatory systems. It also promotes homeostasis.
Omega 3 fatty acids for Senior Horses:
Chia seeds, spirulina, and MCT coconut oil provide ALA, an essential omega 3 fatty acid. Green lipped mussels provide the fatty acids EPA and DHA. Research has determined that inflammation- resolving mediators in the body known as resolvins, protectins, and maresins are biosynthesized from EPA and DHA fatty acid. Studies have demonstrated these mediators from EPA and DHA could help IBD and lung inflammation such as COPD, as well as chronic inflammation (Serhan and Levy. 2018).
We don’t use MSM:
Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) is a common ingredient in supplements to supply sulfur to the horse. MSM is made via a chemical synthesis using either methane gas or refined petroleum by-products reacted with paper mill waste.
Sulfur from plants like kale, combined with sulfur sourced from volcanic regions and then proteinated with rice amino acids are superior forms of sulfur for horses and are more bioavailable.
What’s going on in the food supply?
The soil many hays and forages are grown in are lacking organic fulvic and humic acids, which serve to support both plants and our horses’ intestinal microflora in the GI tract. Fulvic acids play an important role in nutrient absorption, particularly with minerals. Chemical fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides, lack of crop rotation, and mono-culture farming have all contributed to the decline of humic and fulvic acids in our soils.
The rise of carbon dioxide:
According to a research article published May 23, 2018 in Science Advances protein, micronutrients and vitamin content has been altered due to rising CO2 levels. “Declines of protein and minerals essential for humans, including iron and zinc, have been reported for crops in response to rising atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration.”(Zhu, Kobayashi, Loladze, Zhu, Jiang, Xu, Liu, Seneweera, Ebi, Drewnowki, Fukagawa, Ziska. 2018)
This research was conducted by scientists from China, Japan, Australia, as well as scientists from two US universities, and researchers from the United States Department of Agriculture.
The critical importance of bioavailable minerals:
With the decline of mineral content in plants, it becomes even more important that a multivitamin provide bioavailable minerals. BioStar’s custom proteinated mineral complex provides the most bioavailable minerals for horses. Our proteinated minerals are bound to amino acids from rice making a molecular “cage” surrounding the mineral for the highest bioavailability, to protect the minerals from antagonists and to prevent the formation of insoluble minerals precipitates in the stomach. .
While amino acid chelates for animals are made using synthetic amino acids, proteinates are commonly made from amino acids from hydrolyzed soy proteins. According to the Association of Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) the source of protein does not have to be declared on the label.
More protein:
The less protein in forages in hay means we need to supply additional sources of amino acids to our horses. BioStar blends three high protein ingredients: undenatured whey protein, spirulina, and pumpkin meal to provide over 30% protein and all the essential amino acids, including the BCCAAs for muscle maintenance, muscle building, and top line.
Meeting the nutritional challenges of today:
Optimum JS 2.0 and Optimum Senior JS 2.0 help horse owners meet the nutritional challenges their horses face in our changing world. Rise of CO2 and its effect on plants, unsustainable farming practices, unhealthy soils are contributing to the lower nutritional values of forage, hay, and grains.
Complete feeds, even fed at recommended amounts, may not supply enough protein and bioavailable minerals to overcome the deficiencies in hay and grass.
Optimum JS 2.0 multivitamin support and Optimum Senior JS 2.0 offers horse owners peace of mind knowing their horse’s health and well being is supported.
Available for purchase!
Konaklieva and Plotkin. “Anti-inflammatory Sulfur-Containing Agents with Additional Modes of Action.” Anti-Inflammatory & Anti-Allergy Agents in Medicinal Chemistry. 2007. Vol 4. pp 271-277.
Serhan and Levy. “Resolvins in inflammation: emergence of the pro-resolving superfamily of mediators.” The Journal of Clinical Investigation. May 2018. Vol 128.
Zhu, Kobayashi, Loladze, Zhu, Jiang, Xu, Liu, Seneweera, Ebi, Drewnowki, Fukagawa, Ziska. “Carbon dioxide (CO2) levels this century will alter the protein, micronutrients, and vitamin content of rice grains with potential health consequences for the poorest rice-dependent countries.” Science Advances. May 2018. Vol 4.