Equine nutrition, diet, supplements, health products, and research specific to your horse’s health and wellbeing.

Ingredient Sourcing: Why It Matters
The Silk Road is the ancient trade route that connected Asia, Europe, and North Africa from the second century to ...

Does My Horse Need a Detox?
When you hear the word ‘detox,’ you might immediately think of drug and alcohol rehabilitation. However, detox can also be ...

The Power of Precision: Screening BioStar Ingredient Prospects
One of my jobs as a formulator is to seek out clinically studied ingredients –- both well-known and new to ...

Weathering the Winter: Foods to Support the Immune System
Wintertime is upon us — as is a very active flu season. Fortunately, there are specific foods that will provide ...

Help Your Horse Stay Warm This Winter With Nutritional Support
Winter is the time when we horse owners bundle up like Nanook of the North just to feed and hack ...

Tum-Ease: Bite-Sized Equine Gastric Support
Did you know that when horses are under saddle, their stomachs are unprotected from digestive acids? Because of this need ...

Horse Welfare in Competition: BioStar’s Happy Horse Award
Recently there’s been plenty of controversy in the dressage community over horse welfare, particularly as it pertains to the horse’s ...

Quercetin: The Super Bioflavonoid for Horses
Quercetin is an immune-supportive bioflavonoid (or simply “flavonoid”) found in vegetables, fruits and nuts. It's an antioxidant, meaning it scavenges ...

We Love Spirulina for Horses and Dogs
I was introduced to spirulina in 1983 when the human supplement company I worked for created a spirulina supplement. As ...

Tack Trunk Necessities: BioStar’s Fast-Acting Pastes
The fall show season is upon us. No matter which equestrian discipline you compete in, fall is decidedly a busy ...

Neuro-Plex EQ & Post-Lyme Sensitivity
Thanks to Allison Kavey for this wonderful story about how Neuro-Plex EQ helped her horse deal with post-Lyme symptoms. "A ...

Support for Horses with Lyme Disease
Lyme disease is most prevalent in the Northeast, upper Midwest, Mid-Atlantic, and California-Pacific Northwest regions of the US. It’s caused ...