Bheatrix and Allison | BioStar US

Neuro-Plex EQ & Post-Lyme Sensitivity

Thanks to Allison Kavey for this wonderful story about how Neuro-Plex EQ helped her horse deal with post-Lyme symptoms. 

“A long struggle with Lyme disease left Bheatrix with lasting skin sensitivity – to such an extent that grooming with anything but a towel was very uncomfortable for her – and a strange horizontal head shake when light hit her eye at a particular angle.

After her antibiotic regimen ended this spring, she was essentially unrideable between these two problems. Her immune system was also in a shambles, as evidenced by her poor coat quality and a second outbreak of papilloma on her muzzle within 8 months.

She already gets 3 cc Sunn-E 1000 a day, I started her on lysine for the warts, and I re-started her on BioStar’s Colostrum-38 EQ to support her immune system; but I was really flummoxed by the skin sensitivity and head shaking.

Neuro-Plex EQ powder and paste | BioStar USThank goodness Tigger had the answer!
After a month of Neuro-Plex EQ, Bhea’s skin sensitivity is markedly reduced – she can be groomed with regular brushes and no longer panics when a saddle pad or girth touches her body. And her post-Lyme head shaking – which was especially frustrating because it only occurred in the arena, where the light comes in the doors at a strange angle – is dramatically reduced and almost gone.

(Note: she does not have head shakers’ syndrome caused by trigeminal nerve aggravation. We were able to rule that out, as she only shakes her head at the same light angles and regardless of what she is wearing on her face, including nothing.)

Lyme has to be one of the most frustrating diseases we encounter in horses, as it can leave one horse totally unaffected while leaving the next with chronic arthritis and the third with neurological problems. I am so grateful to have one of my favorite horses, who was struggling with significant discomfort, brought back to me by BioStar’s Neuro-Plex EQ!”

~Allison Kavey
Team BioStar Rider

Post-Lyme Disease Sensitivity & Neuro-Plex EQ | BioStar US

Allison Kavey and Bheatrix


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