Success Story: Poldi and the Whole Food Diet
By Katrina Oosting
Poldi is a Bayerisches (Bavarian) Warmblood who I imported from Spain as a 6 year old stallion. He was later gelded and has been an athletic, intelligent, and hardworking partner as long as I have known him.
About 8 or 9 years ago my trainer recommended that I contact Tigger after he was diagnosed as Insulin Resistant. We were competing at Intermediare II in dressage and I was worried as I had seen a friend go through a tough experience with an IR horse.
Tigger tasked me with a new diet for Poldi:
- Alfalfa/timothy cubes
- Celery
- A rotation of cabbage and kale
- Optimum EQ
- CoolStance
- Chia Seeds
- Hemp Oil
- Speedi Beet – beet pulp 1x per week.
*no carrots, apples, no sugar, no grain, no soy, and no oats!*
It took about a year for him to come back to himself but he has been healthy ever since I started this new diet. He no longer tests positive for IR or Cushings.
Three weeks ago we competed in our Intermediare II, Centennial ride; Poldi a healthy 21 and myself 80 years young.
He continues to be eager to work and his favorite movements are piaffe and passage.
I really think Tigger saved my horse and I cannot thank her enough for her help.
Thank you for my horse!
~Katrina Oosting
The nutrients in BioStar’s Optimum EQ™ are all part of the vital whole food matrix which provides important enzymes, protein chaperones, chelated minerals, and nutritional co-factors for optimal cellular utilization. Optimum EQ™ provides vitamins, macro-minerals, micro-minerals, antioxidants, free amino acids, essential fatty acids, and medium chain triglycerides in its formula.