BioStar Blog Articles

BioStar US Blog | Whole Food SUpplements for Horses & Dogs

Welcome to the BioStar Blog!


Our mission is to share information, help empower dog and horse owners with knowledge about nutrition and health of their animals, and bring them the best whole food supplements.

Here you’ll find many of our own personal experiences and opinions, and we’ve taken care to ensure that the more technical information we present is backed by published nutritional studies and scientific research. Please remember, though, that the blog articles themselves are not intended to cure, diagnose, or treat any disease.

Questions about our equine and canine whole food supplements? Contact us and we’ll be glad to assist.


Behind the Scenes at COTA

The Challenge of the Americas (COTA) is an annual charity event that raises money for breast cancer research through the Play for P.I.N.K® organization and the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Staged at

Behind the Scenes at COTA

The Challenge of the Americas (COTA) is an annual charity event that raises money for breast cancer research through the ...
Otis Feeling Great with Terra Biota K9

Otis Feels Great with Terra Biota

By Luv Knudson If you are wondering if you should try Terra Biota K9 for your dog, please read on ...
BioStar Horse Jumping Into an Ingredient Basket | BioStar Blog

Ingredient Sourcing: Why It Matters

The Silk Road is the ancient trade route that connected Asia, Europe, and North Africa from the second century to ...
Team BioStar rider Abigail McArdle with her horse and dog | BioStar US

When We De-Stress, Our Horses and Dogs Can Heal

We live in a very trying time with stress coming at us from all angles. Add a sick beloved horse ...
Palomino horse running through a field | BioStar US

Does My Horse Need a Detox?

When you hear the word ‘detox,’ you might immediately think of drug and alcohol rehabilitation. However, detox can also be ...

The Power of Precision: Screening BioStar Ingredient Prospects

One of my jobs as a formulator is to seek out clinically studied ingredients –- both well-known and new to ...
Weathering the Winter: Foods to Support the Immune System | BioStar US

Weathering the Winter: Foods to Support the Immune System

Wintertime is upon us — as is a very active flu season. Fortunately, there are specific foods that will provide ...
Bone Broth for Dogs Meal Topper Recipe by Lizzy Meyer | BioStar US

Lizzy’s Wisdom: Bone Broth for Dogs (Recipe!)

Bone broth is the supportive food I most frequently recommend during my canine consultations. It’s a cost-effective way to enhance ...
Keeping your horse warm in the winter | BioStar US

Help Your Horse Stay Warm This Winter With Nutritional Support

Winter is the time when we horse owners bundle up like Nanook of the North just to feed and hack ...
Tum-Ease: Bite-Sized Equine Gastric Support

Tum-Ease: Bite-Sized Equine Gastric Support

Did you know that when horses are under saddle, their stomachs are unprotected from digestive acids? Because of this need ...
BioStar's Happy Horse Award

Horse Welfare in Competition: BioStar’s Happy Horse Award

Recently there’s been plenty of controversy in the dressage community over horse welfare, particularly as it pertains to the horse’s ...
Benefits of Quercefit for your horse | BioStar US

Quercetin: The Super Bioflavonoid for Horses

Quercetin is an immune-supportive bioflavonoid (or simply “flavonoid”) found in vegetables, fruits and nuts. It's an antioxidant, meaning it scavenges ...