Buckaroo is a tricolor Australian Shepherd, known for his wily ways and genius abilities. He is a playful, lovable pooch, who has learned approximately a million things since being adopted into BioStar’s Aussie Tribe!
Buckaroo Banzai is named after the science fiction character in the film, The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension.
Our Buckaroo was born Oct 30, 2013 in Ocala, Florida. Bred by Lori Faucett and her Soundtrack Farms, Buckaroo comes from a long line of successful performance and confirmation Aussies. At an early age, Buckaroo demonstrated a precociousness that has grown into a wily intelligence combined with a mischief-maker’s sense of humor.
During his puppy obedience classes, he mastered the basics so quickly we had to add more advanced challenges because he became bored. A bored Buckaroo only spells trouble, such as sneaking over to the treat table to steal snacks, or slipping into the broom closet to investigate the cleaning supplies, or escaping out the classroom door for a little adventure therapy. Within weeks after class concluded, “the Aussie Einstein,” as he was called, suddenly came down with a case of selective hearing and the I-Really-Don’t-Know-That-Or-Any-Command syndrome. He went from brilliant to stupid in two weeks. Of course he wasn’t really stupid; he was testing us. It officially marked him as an adolescent.
Buckaroo loves water, and will leap fearlessly off any bank. Competitive by nature, he’ll contend with the older dogs Kemosabe and Thunderbear in frisbee-catching at the ponds, carefully calculating his trajectory and how fast he must swim to get the frisbee before the other dogs do.
His love of water includes: climbing into horse troughs for a quick cool down, running through puddles, tipping over water bowls (just because he can), and running through the garden sprinkler. But try to hose him off, or put him in the doggie bath and he gets very offended — how dare we wash off his horse manure or eau de cow poop?
Buckaroo also has a penchant for stealing and hiding items such as bras, underwear, socks and shoes. We humans find them behind the couch, under the bed, behind a shower curtain, in the water bowl…even in the kitty litter box (luckily that was only a shoe and not a more delicate piece of undergarment).
As a hobby, Buckaroo enjoys moving the porch furniture with Thunderbear. Their escapades include dragging porch cushions out onto the lawn, ripping them to smithereens, and then blaming the cats.
Besides his full name, Buckaroo Banzai, he has acquired many nicknames: Buckarooni, Mashpatootie, Tutti Fruity, Buckaschmoo. Mr. Schmoo, and Buckminster Fuller.

Buckaroo’s holiday behavior tips for horses, humans, and dogs

Buckaroo’s Guide to Holiday Dining for Dogs

Buckaroo’s Healthy Weight Journey

Buckaroo’s Tips on How to Beat the Summer Heat

Let Out Your Inner Canine

Wellington: A Dog’s Perspective

Advice: Skunked! Now What?

Don’t Bogart that Joint

Buckaroo to the Rescue

Advice: How to Relieve Canine Car Sickness

Fast Living: The Athletic Dog’s Guide to Better Recovery