Tigger’s thoughts on food, animals, the earth, life, and ideas.

One Day at a Time
Tigger reflects upon her recent personal losses and experiences with the grieving process... In the month of May, I lost ...

Ghosts of Christmas Past
One of my favorite holiday movies as a child was the 1951 version of A Christmas Carol (starring Alastair Sim) ...

The Puppy Chronicles: House Training, Toys, and Surviving the Velociraptor
God grant me the serenity to accept that I buy my puppy too many toys, courage to buy fewer toys, ...

Bringing Home a New Puppy
In the last six months I have lost two beloved dogs: Thunderbear and Kemosabe. I will forever miss them. No ...

Walking with Grief
Last week, quite unexpectedly, I lost one of my Aussies, Thunderbear. He was only 9.5 years old. He was diagnosed ...

A Few of My Favorite Things (2022)
I spend an inordinate amount of time researching raw materials, and I often come across new supplements, formulations, and products ...

Formulation: Behind the Scenes at BioStar
From BioStar’s humble beginnings to the present, we have always done our own formulation research and made our own products ...

Tigger Montague and the History of BioStar
“In making medicine, in making something helpful and wholesome and nutritious, you have to be very focused. You've got to ...

Connection: Bridging Eastern Medicine and Western Science
In 2001, a friend gave me a book on Ayurveda called The Complete Book of Ayurvedic Home Remedies by Vasant ...

Five Things You Can Learn from Puppies
NOTES FROM PUPPY-PALOOZA LAND! Currently I have a litter of 6 Australian Shepherd puppies that are 7 weeks old. This ...

Ask Tigger: Help! I Have a Grumpy Mare
Dear Tigger, Lately my horse fits the grumpy mare stereotype more often than not, but she used to be much ...

Tigger’s Stress-Busting Tips
Before jumping to some unique and effective stress-busting tips, let's reflect a moment on where we are today: The infamous ...

Let Go of the Reins
Recently, a friend in the horse industry told me that her anxiety during this time of the Covid-19 pandemic had ...

Creative Quarantine Shopping Ideas
Self-impose social distancing and staying at home has forced me to be more creative in finding necessities online. From my ...

When Goodbye Comes
Lionheart had a good summer. He had a new companion, a feisty 20-year-old mare I adopted from a rescue. His ...

Open to Our Animals: The Art of Intuition
In our world of high-tech connections and megabits per second, we tend to forget about the other mode of communication ...

The Otter Whisperer
For the second year in a row, I have had close encounters with sea otters in Kachemak Bay, Alaska. The ...

When It’s Time to Take a Leap…
Tigger describes the inspiration behind Seeds for Kindness, and gets into the details of what we can expect in its ...

Seeds for Kindness
The inspiring origin story for Seeds for Kindness... Several years ago I read a book called The Diamond Cutter by ...

The Alaskan Wilderness in Photos by Tigger
Tigger has returned from her exploration of the Alaskan wilderness. We're so glad she's back, and we're honored to share ...