Five Stars for Optimum EQ 2.0
Katrin Derremaux is a manager and trainer at Liberty Farms, a certified organic farm and equestrian center in upstate NY. This summer’s wet season inspired her to write to us about Optimum EQ 2.0.
“This summer season in the Hudson Valley of New York has been rather crazy with extreme humidity, heat, bugs and loads of rain, making a it a lovely environment for skin and feet issues.
Our farrier noted last visit that he is utterly confused why at our farm in particular there is a group of horses that still have strong good feet and no issues with the weather this year, no lost shoes, no crumbling walls, no weakness, etc..
He said, ”I just don’t get it, they all get the same great care, yet some of these horses look amazing and the others are struggling to keep the nails tight and not looking like soggy cardboard like all the rest in this swampy environment! What’s the secret!?! I know it’s not the organic hay because all the horses would be doing great, so … what’s the secret!?!?“
When I told him it was Optimum EQ 2.0 he just looked at me blankly and said, “Opti— what?”
Then he went on to list all the horses at my farm who still have good and strong feet in this ultra rainy and humid environment. What they all had in common was BioStar’s Optimum EQ 2.0 (and whole food diets for the most part).
It’s profound how much healthier Optimum EQ 2.0 has made these horses – a person who had no idea of our feed program knew there was a reason!! And he was spot on. The feet told him.
I hope more people take a moment and try Optimum EQ 2.0 it will help your horses be in balance and healthy, and the hoof health has told the story here at my farm in Hudson NY. Thank you BioStar and Tigger for some of the best formulas on the market and keeping the horses at KD Dressage and Liberty Farms so healthy! My ponies love their Optimum 2.0 as a basis for their nutritional needs. 🦄 🎉 💜 ”
~ Katrin Derremaux
Optimum EQ 2.0 is BioStar’s whole food multivitamin & mineral supplement that supports equine health for wellbeing and performance. It includes proteinated macro and micro minerals for improved bioavailability plus essential amino acids, antioxidants, fulvic and humic acids and Omega 3 fatty acids.