Diet and nutrition protocols, important information, instructions, and advice for horses and dogs.

Little Horses, Big Appetites: Weight-Managing Smaller Equines with BioStar
Spring is here, and it's the perfect time to think about fresh grass, lush pasture — and the issues faced ...

Ayurvedic Constitution Types: Which One Is Your Dog?
Mealtime is an exciting time for my pack mates and me. Our human sets our bowls out on the counter ...

Coming Soon from the BioStar Lab: Stress Relief for the Whole Horse
I have been fascinated by the biology and chemistry of stress since 1983, when the human supplement company I worked ...

Rest, Relaxation, & Alixir EQ: The Keys to Recovery
Supporting the body’s recovery process after physical exertion, training, and competing is crucial for equine athletes. Horse recovery support is ...

Spirulina: Nutrient-Dense Superfood
Spirulina is one of Nature’s most perfect foods because of its dense nutrient content. Studies conducted by NASA found that ...

For the Love of the Senior Horse
Senior horses are a lot like senior citizens in the human world: sometimes undervalued, but knowing one is an amazing ...

On the Subject of Soy…
Soy is one of the most common ingredients in equine feed, and is also found in various equine supplements and ...

For the Love of Senior Dogs
I belong to an illustrious group of canines known as seniors. I have a little bit of grey hair around ...

Christmas Cookery (Someone’s in the Kitchen with Tigger)
Kemosabe says there's something different about Christmas in the kitchen this year, and different is bad. Or is it? The ...

Breath Is Life: Supporting the Equine Respiratory Tract
Because of the horrendous fires in California, and the subsequent toxic air, I think it’s timely and very important to ...

Fruit of the Ancients: Amalaki for Horses
In Ayurvedic medicine, amalaki (also known as amla) is considered one of the most powerful rejuvenating foods. In Sanskrit, amalaki ...

Open to Our Animals: The Art of Intuition
In our world of high-tech connections and megabits per second, we tend to forget about the other mode of communication ...