BioStar US and Impulsion EQ with Shilajit

Success Story: Shannon Peters and Impulsion EQ

National Dressage champion Shannon Peters shares her experience with Impulsion EQ and how it can help hoof health:

“This horse lives outside, on varied footing (sand, gravel , DG) and is not stabled unless he goes to a show, which is why they look “rough,” and he is at the end of the trim cycle.

This horse has had chronic thin soles, separated white line and thin walls. He was shod as a 3 year old, and never had a chance to develop a strong , healthy foot. I pulled his shoes when he was 4, and have been working on building a stronger foot ever since. He is very sound, but trying to support proper growth in his hooves has been a challenge.

I have 3 horses on Impulsion, one with really good hooves, one older retired that has foundered (lyme disease) 4 times, and this horse. These first pictures are from the end of April:

Shannon Peters and Impulsion EQ - before


The second set of photos were taken after 2 months on Impulsion:

Shannon Peters and Impulsion EQ - after

They ALL have grown a better foot. Stronger, more connected white lines, thicker soles and stronger walls. Even with the amount of movement they get, not being stabled, they are growing substantially more foot , and definitely better in general!

You can tell the whole white line is tighter, a whole lot less flaring/ breakage, each set was taken before trim at 5 weeks . I think another 4-6 months they will be miraculously different hooves!!!

~ Shannon Peters

Shannon Peters is a U.S. Dressage Federation Bronze, Silver and Gold Medalist, and three-time National Championship competitor: on Luxor in 2007 when the two were crowned Reserve National Champions Intermediare I; on Flor de Selva in 2009 when they took home 4th place in the Intermediare division; and on Akiko Yamazaki’s Odyssey in 2011 after winning the Grand Prix Special at Del Mar and Burbank CDIs. Shannon loves to bring young horses through the levels, one of the most successful being Weltino’s Magic, with whom she won Reserve National Champion at the 2008 Young Horse Championships.

Impulsion EQ offers the easy keeper and metabolic horse a blend of whole ingredients to support energy, stamina, metabolism, recovery, muscle maintenance and bone health, including protein, fiber, and fat, plus the essential fatty acids including Omega-3.  Impulsion EQ™ has a low NSC of 5.1%, suitable for insulin resistant horses.

This formula includes the purified bioresin shilajit from the Himalayans, used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic medicine.  “Shilajit” translates from Sanskrit as “conqueror of mountains, destroyer of weakness.” Shilajit supports healthy mitochondrial function, which is important for energy, stamina, metabolism, and recovery.  The fulvic acids in shilajit have been shown to support healthy bone remodeling, while providing important ionic trace minerals often missing from our industrial farmed soils.


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