Kemosabe is a tricolor Australian Shepherd of the BioStar Aussie Tribe. You can tell it’s him, because he’s the one without the black eye mask.
His favorite things involve bison, treats, jumping in the creek, chewing on sticks, and snuggling. His less favorite things are weight-loss diets, cats, anything that takes the spotlight off of him, and long road trips.
Kemosable regularly adds to BioStar’s blog to share his stories and his ever-increasing knowledge of canine nutrition.

Kemosabe’s 7 Senior Dog Care Tips
BioStar's highest ranking Aussie, Kemosabe, shares his top 7 senior dog care tips: I reached the grand age of 13 ...

Kemosabe’s Christmas Shopping Guide
Christmas is one of my favorite celebrations. It’s almost as wonderful as my birthday. I love the smells in the ...

Laughter Is the Best Medicine
I grin…a lot. Even when I am naughty. I am “the food bowl is half full” kind of a guy. ...

Music to My Ears
Courtesy of Kemosabe, a few thoughts on the nature of a dog's hearing and how we humans can best take ...

Living Off the Land: Health Benefits of Soil-Based Organisms
I like to get dirty. I like to roll in grass, dirt, and leaves. I like to swim in creeks, ...

Two Paws Up: Kemosabe’s Review of Bark Bistro Dog Food
BioStar's own Kemosabe gives his unique canine take on Bark Bistro Dog Food: This winter in Florida my tummy went ...

Canines and the Cosmos: Practical Astrology for Dogs
Sun signs represent the position of the sun at birth, and I was born under the sun sign of Aquarius ...

Ayurvedic Constitution Types: Which One Is Your Dog?
Mealtime is an exciting time for my pack mates and me. Our human sets our bowls out on the counter ...

For the Love of Senior Dogs
I belong to an illustrious group of canines known as seniors. I have a little bit of grey hair around ...

Kemosabe’s New Year Tips
For all my canine friends and our humans, I present some uniquely honed New Year tips for all! Humans can ...

Christmas Cookery (Someone’s in the Kitchen with Tigger)
Kemosabe says there's something different about Christmas in the kitchen this year, and different is bad. Or is it? The ...

Feelin’ Alright with Joe Cocker (and Trinity K9)
Kemosabe gives his vivid, personal account of canine life with BioStar's Trinity K9 supplement. My human likes Joe Cocker. I ...

Confession: I Steal BioStar Horse Supplements
In a tell-all confession, Kemosabe spills the beans on his own thievery of Optimum and other BioStar horse supplements... It's ...

Kemosabe Presents: Human Training 101
Every single one of us canines is born with the “TH” gene — a.k.a. the Human Training gene. In fact, ...

Putting Poultice on a Chicken
I’ve said this before, and I’m saying it again: my human is, in one word...quirky. It’s not a scary quirky, ...

This Summer, Cool Dogs Need Cooling Foods
I consider myself a cool dog: hip, with-it, favoring a bit of a rebellious streak, channeling my inner James Dean. ...

In the Food Bowl: Sprouts!
My human likes to experiment with food. She experiments on her dogs and her horses and herself. Sometimes the new ...

Now Available: The World According to Kemosabe
Kemosabe is very proud to announce the release of his new book! It's a collection of poignant tales of canine ...