Team BioStar Welcomes Kelly Soleau-Millar!
Welcome Kelly Soleau-Millar, new member of the Biostar Team of riders!
Kelly Soleau-Millar started her horses on a whole food diet with BioStar supplements eight years ago. I have watched as she has taken two young horses, Centre Ice and Itty Bitty, up through the jumper ranks to the grand prix. I have watched her schooling, and I have watched her in the warmup and in the competition ring. What has always struck me about her as a rider is not simply her classic equitation and effective, soft riding, but the flow of her horses. She is one with them. What has always impressed me about Kelly is that she is a consummate horse woman; the horses come first and no detail is overlooked in the management and well-being of the horses in her care.
In August, 2014, Kelly won her first grand prix (the Grand Prix in Caledon, Ontario) on Centre Ice. Only two riders qualified for the jump-off that day: Kelly and her soon-to-be husband Jonathon Millar, whom she then married in December, 2015.
Kelly is an integral member of Ian Millar’s Millar Brooke Farm team of Perth, Ontario. The team includes: Ian, one of the legends in international show jumping who has competed in more Olympic Games than any other athlete in history; his daughter Amy Millar, who has more than 25 grand prix wins to date; and his son Jonathon Millar, who has been a member of the Canadian Show Jumping Team for 20 years. Kelly has over 30 years in the saddle, beginning in lead line and short stirrup to pony hunters, children’s hunters, junior hunters, equitation, children jumpers, junior jumpers, amateur owner jumpers and now grand prix and world cup qualifiers.
Recently Kelly turned professional, which allowed BioStar to sponsor her. Given a choice of BioStar products, she chooses Circuvate EQ. She has been a long-time user of BioStar’s Furnace EQ because she understands the importance of healthy circulation — not only for healing, but for the oxygen benefits needed by performance horses. Circuvate is the next generation of circulation enhancers that can increase the master molecule of circulation, nitric oxide, by as much as 50%.
Beyond all her talents as a rider and a horsewoman, Kelly is a warm, compassionate, humble, strong woman whose inner light radiates. For the person she is, and her great skills and horsemanship, I am proud to welcome her to Team Biostar.