BioStar Blog Articles

BioStar US Blog | Whole Food SUpplements for Horses & Dogs

Welcome to the BioStar Blog!


Our mission is to share information, help empower dog and horse owners with knowledge about nutrition and health of their animals, and bring them the best whole food supplements.

Here you’ll find many of our own personal experiences and opinions, and we’ve taken care to ensure that the more technical information we present is backed by published nutritional studies and scientific research. Please remember, though, that the blog articles themselves are not intended to cure, diagnose, or treat any disease.

Questions about our equine and canine whole food supplements? Contact us and we’ll be glad to assist.


BioStar Horse Jumping Into an Ingredient Basket | BioStar Blog

Ingredient Sourcing: Why It Matters

The Silk Road is the ancient trade route that connected Asia, Europe, and North Africa from the second century to the fifteenth century. As the first major global trade route in history,
Now I Know How the Horses Feel | BioStar US

Now I Know How the Horses Feel

Tigger finds that treating herself like a horse is a great way to walk the road to injury recovery: Recently, ...
Julia in the kitchen with dogs | BioStar US

Julia in My Kitchen with Dogs

My mother used to watch reruns of Julia Child’s The French Chef on PBS from a little black-and-white television in ...
Don't Forget the Vitamin E | BioStar US

Don’t Forget the Vitamin E for your Horse!

Vitamin E is one of the essential vitamins that horses cannot synthesize or make in their bodies. Unlike the B ...
Frittata Bravo recipe with Lizzy Meyer | BioStar US

Frittata Bravo: Treats for High Energy Dogs

Here is a recipe for high-fat, high-protein, healthy treats for dogs who are very active or need to gain weight ...
Hoary Alyssum: A plant you don’t want to find in your hay | BioStar US

Hoary Alyssum: A Plant You Don’t Want to Find in Your Hay

Recently several horses in Wellington, Florida presented with swollen legs, fevers, and laminitis. The culprit appears to be hoary alyssum, ...
Katrin Derreumaux's success with BioStar Neuro-Plex EQ

Katrin Derreumaux and Success with Neuro-Plex EQ

Katrin Derreumaux talks about the improvements in hind-end strength and balance she's seeing after giving BioStar's Neuro-Plex EQ: "I have ...
Ghosts of Christmas Past | BioStar US

Ghosts of Christmas Past

One of my favorite holiday movies as a child was the 1951 version of A Christmas Carol (starring Alastair Sim) ...
Katie Robicheaux and Laney Success with BioStar

Laney’s Success Story

BioStar hears from 2023 Regional Fourth Level Dressage Champion Katie Robicheaux, who offers her tale of dietary challenge and triumph ...
must-haves in your tack trunk | BioStar US

Must-haves in your tack trunk

When I was competing, my show trunk held the usual necessities: extra saddle pads, a spare halter, extra girth, assorted ...
Integral K9 for dogs | BioStar US

Collagen for Canine Gut Health: Integral K9

The most common health challenges dog owners tell us about are the GI tract issues in their dogs. These issues ...
BioStar Employee Testimonials | We Don't Just Work Here

We Don’t Just Work Here

Working at BioStar means getting an up-close look at everything that goes into our unique whole-food equine and canine supplements ...
Daily Neuromuscular Support with Neuro-Plex EQ Powder | BioStar US

Daily Neuromuscular Support with Neuro-Plex EQ Powder

Neuromuscular support is essential for an increasing number of horses. Ever since BioStar introduced Neuro-Plex EQ paste syringes for as-needed ...